SaveThe Storey Arms
Aiming to save the Storey Arms and be the first community owned pub in Leicestershire

Who Are We?
The Osgathorpe Community Pub Ltd group (OCPL) was set up by the Parish Council as a community co-operative society to save the Storey Arms for the benefit of community to ensure it always stays as a village pub and an asset for the future. We are working on behalf of the village and welcome any thoughts and views you have.
Latest News
12 September 2024
There has been a very positive development on The Storey Arms! We heard last week that Phil and Sue (the pub owners) have accepted an offer from Russell Boam to buy and run the pub (Russell also happens to be our NWLDC Councillor). Their solicitors are progressing with the purchase, and he is hoping to complete in the next couple of months.
The Parish Council and the OCPL met with Russell to hear about his plans and to express our support for having the pub open again in the village. Once the purchase has gone through, Russell plans to renovate the pub and open it around April next year. He will live above the pub and run it with his partner Michelle Bates.
This is great news for the village, and we wish Russell well in getting the purchase over the line. Russell has agreed to write an article for the Village Voice to introduce himself to the village and to give an outline of his plans when the sale is completed.
The pub is registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) which allows community groups time to submit a bid for the pub. After hearing Russell’s positive plan, the OCPL agreed with members of the Parish Council that we would not submit an ‘intention to bid’ to NWLDC because this would delay the sale.
Russell has agreed to keep the OCPL informed on progress. The OCPL will continue to monitor developments on behalf of the village and be ready to consider other options if the sale doesn’t go through. We will also want to help Russell promote the use of the pub and make it a success and a valuable village asset.
If you have any questions or wish to support this community pub initiative please e-mail us at: